English Language vs Emotional Language
Many conflicts arise due to misunderstandings or rather different perspective on what has been said. When someone tells me about an experience and they may say, it made me feel so anxious. I often automatically reply, “I so understand.” But in truth, I may not totally understand. I’m interpreting or projecting how I’d feel given the same experience and using my definition of what anxiety would mean to me given a similar experience. But we don’t walk in the same shoes. My experience could be very different than that person. My expectation of what should come next if I told someone I was feeling anxious could be different than someone else’s expectation. For example, I may want someone to hold my hand and give me comfort. Another person may desire to be left alone when they get to feeling anxious. They don’t want anyone around so if I tried to do what would comfort me, they could get irritated and mad even.
It may be the same word we use to describe an emotion, but it has a broad spectrum related to that singular term. Emotions are chemicals are body creates related to experiences we are having or had. It is like we have this master chef in our brain constantly brewing up a batch of whatever emotion(s) we are thinking about whether it is conscious or unconscious. That master chef is constantly working away. Those emotions that are chemicals can be further broken down into terms of energy. And as soon as we talk about energy, we are talking about frequencies. That is how I most often translate energy is via frequencies and emotions. But each emotion has a category. For example the emotion of anxiety is a category that contains a broad range of different frequencies of anxiety. Think of a guitar that has 6 strings. Let’s say one string is Anxiety. But you can play a lot of notes on that one string. It has a range. It doesn’t just make one sound. Depending on where you press down on the string, you can change the frequency and the tone but it is still the same string.
Anxiety is one string of emotions that has a lot of different tones within it and this is true of every other emotion. It is why one emotion can get trapped in many places in our bodies. One frequency of anxiety may land in a knee and attract other similar frequencies of anxiety and they too can get trapped in the knee. But there is another tone of anxiety and it may get stuck in the neck and attract similar anxiety emotions there.
Building a more conscious understanding of how emotions work is an important first step when I work with clients. As we broaden our understanding of how emotions work, it is in the vastness and complexities of their nature, that we can begin our healing work of the mind, body and spirit.
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