Animals are the Best Medicine!

Sep 4, 2019

As summer winds down, I find myself with quite the mix of emotions. I am relieved yet sad to see this summer come to a close. I love fall and yet it also reminds me of how fast the year flew by. My animals are great reminders to stop and appreciate the moment. They live in the moment and because of them, I stop and enjoy those moments with them. I can have a long list of things to do, but I learned that taking a few moments to stop and watch their antics or enjoy a pat or throw a ball, really doesn’t impact my ability to complete my todo list. On the contrary, it helps me get through it with more ease. They give me joy and filling my energy system with high frequency emotions like Joy and Love can change a grumpy attitude into a happy one in short time.

There is that question, “Are you a cup half full or half empty kind of person?” I modify that answer. I use these moments with my animals to fill up my cup to its fullest so that when life gets hard, I only go down to half a cup. If you start at half a cup, you can get too close to empty. I’ve been there and it is so hard to rebound from those life challenges. But when we stop and take advantage of those brief moments, we are filling our cup up and that allows us to live life more fully and deal with life’s hard moments with just a little more energy.

Today I enjoyed my kitty Leonardo. He disappeared for over a year and a half. And he reappeared in early July. It has been so great having him home again. He is a barn cat so he is free to come and go. I love this little guy. He is my buddy when I do chores. He is there to greet me and he follows me around as I tend to things. Today, I stopped occasionally to pick him up for a cuddle and some pats. He did a great job helping to fill up my energy cup full of joy!

1 Comment

  1. Deb Wellinghoff

    Thank you for the reminder that time spent among the animals in my life is time well spent.


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