Free Intuitive Listening Webinar

September 23rd, 2020 – 6PM PST

Learn how trapped emotions can indeed effect illness and injuries and how we can support our bodies in healing.
Enter Your Name & Email In The Short Form Below To Receive The Webinar Login Details.

Cindy Myers
Cindy Myers is an Ambassador to Animals, Humans and Spirits.
A gifted intuitive energy coach and animal communicator, Cindy works with people like you to discover what subconscious emotional blocks you have, then she coaches you how to build bridges between the unconscious and conscious mind.
Cindy provides simple tools and techniques that will help you move forward from those fear based, stuck emotions.
WEBINAR: September 23rd @ 6pm PST
Emotions have energy and so do our words. Becoming more aware of how our thoughts, emotions and words we choose can affect our habits as well as our physical well-being. We often don’t realize how our words create energetic blockages that can lead to unhealthy patterns and even physical pain.

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Free Intuitive Listening Webinar

September 23rd, 2020 – 6PM PST

Enter Your Name & Email In The Short Form Below To Receive The Webinar Login Details.

What You Will Learn During This Webinar…
Once we recognize how our thoughts and words affect us and others, wouldn’t you want to shift those habits to a healthier pattern?
In this webinar, we will discuss how to use simple techniques to learn how to:
  • Channel your attitudes, thoughts and words to produce an abundant flow of energy frequency that will impact our bodies and others’ positively.
  • Leverage the unconscious thoughts that constantly run through our minds and allow ourselves, others and even our pets to embrace a joy filled life.
Get Your Questions Answered, Demo Readings and More…
Sign-up to this webinar now, you’ll be glad you did!

Free Intuitive Listening Webinar
September 23rd, 2020 – 6PM PST
Enter Your Name & Email In The Short Form Below To Receive The Webinar Login Details.