Unlocking the Wisdom of Animal Spirit Guides: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Jul 26, 2024

Have you ever found yourself repeatedly seeing or dreaming about a specific animal? It might be more than just a coincidence. Spirit communicates with us in many ways, and animals are often powerful messengers, guiding us through the complexities of life.

When I encounter a challenging situation or feel stuck in an unhealthy pattern, I send out a prayer asking for guidance. More often than not, the answer comes through an animal or a symbol from nature. Animals and nature are my favorite conduits for listening to Spirit because they offer profound wisdom that can illuminate our paths.

In Part I: Embracing the Spirit of the Garter Snake, I explored how to go deeper when you encounter an animal in nature. Now, let’s continue this journey by diving into the world of Spirit Animal Guides and discovering how they can help you understand yourself on a deeper level.

How Animal Spirit Guides Illuminate Our Inner World

Animal Spirit Guides are more than just mystical beings; they offer insights into our psyches, helping us navigate life’s challenges. By studying the natural instincts and behaviors of animals, we can:

Identify Resonance: Recognize which animal instincts resonate with us, revealing hidden aspects to our nature.

– Develop Missing Traits: Understand and cultivate qualities we maybe lacking, such as courage, patience, or intuition.

– Self Exploration: Use animal archetypes as accessible tools for self-discovery, revealing both our strengths and areas for growth.

Steven Farmer’s book Animal Spirit Guides is an excellent resource to read more on this subject.

Are Animal Spirit Guides with Us for Life?

Yes, some Animal Spirit Guides stay with us throughout our lives, reflecting our core personality traits and guiding us on our spiritual journey. These guides serve as a compass, helping us stay true to our path.

For example, my lifelong guides, the whale and dolphin, frequently appear in my meditations, especially when I need to delve deeper into understanding the feminine psyche. Recently, the dolphin reappeared, nudging me to explore this aspect further.

Temporary Animal Spirit Guides: Navigators Through Transformation

Other Animal Spirit Guides appear during specific life phases, particularly times of transformation. These guides help us navigate change and maintain focus on our true selves.

Geese as Guides: During the pandemic, geese appeared to remind me to follow my true north amid the chaos, keeping me grounded and authentic.

How to Connect with Your Animal Spirit Guides

When an animal crosses your path or appears in a dream, it’s more than a random occurrence—it’s a message waiting to be understood.

Reflect and Integrate: Consider how the animal’s message relates to your current situation and integrate this wisdom into your life.

I often research animal meanings while doing farm chores or processing dreams. Using your smart phone and Google or a favorite search engine can provide is a quick reference tool. I’ll search by asking “What is the Spirit (or Totem) animal meaning of …” Doing the research immediately is more likely to resonate with your psyche. And if you are in the midst of troubling thoughts that keep spinning in your mind, this instant information about a spirit animal can help deflect those spinning thoughts into a deeper knowledge of yourself and issues. By getting in the habit of doing this process, it can help you reflect on your personal growth and incorporate it into your daily life practices.

Deepening Your Connection with Animal Spirit Cards

Animal spirit cards offer another powerful tool to connect with your guides. Trust your intuition to guide you to the card(s) that will provide valuable insights into your psyche. When choosing a deck, find one with artwork that resonates with you and includes a guidebook on the spiritual meanings of the animals.

Evening Ritual: Try drawing a card before bedtime. Set the intention by reading the spirit meaning of the animal and letting it sink into your subconscious. You may dream about that animal or receive messages related to it.

Morning Ritual: Alternatively, draw a card first thing in the morning. By setting your intention for the day, you may notice signs of that animal throughout your day, whether on billboards, license plates, or even in songs. These signs are nudges to reflect deeper on the animal’s archetype and its connection to your personal psyche.

Take the Next Step in Your Journey

I found in the beginning that it was most helpful to have someone more knowledgeable to talk about these experiences. I’d quickly get stuck on knowing what to do or my “lizard” brain (fear-based mind) would sabotage me. But having someone to talk to that got this stuff was so beneficial. It sped up my growth and the conversations were so deep and satisfying. But it isn’t easy to find someone that has that knowledge, experience and comfort level to talk to. That’s why I created my Your Energy Healer Courses and an Intuitive Circle where people can have a place to come learn and just as importantly, have a place to talk about these subjects. To truly deepen your understanding and connection with your Spirit Animal Guides I invite you to:

Join My Courses: Enroll in Your Energy Healer Courses on Zoom, where we explore topics like Spirit Animal Guides to aid in your self-discovery process.

Engage in the Community: Join the Your Energy Healer Intuitive Circle on Zoom. Here, you can discuss your experiences with animal spirit guides, share stories, and grow alongside others on similar spiritual paths.


Start your journey today and unlock the wisdom that Animal Spirit Guides offer, guiding you toward a richer, more authentic life. Visit YourEnergyHealer.com to learn more and register for upcoming classes.


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