First let me start by welcoming you to my website! I would like to share some information with you regarding Energy Healing, the contents of my website, and working with me …
The information you will find on my website – techniques, tips, suggestions, and documents I share are for educational purposes only. These items should not be thought of or considered medical treatment, psychological treatment, coaching or any other professional binding arrangement.
Energy Healing has shown to have positive results physically, mentally and spiritually it is still considered as an alternative method and not fully backed by the Western Academic (psychological and medical) community. These practices are self-regulated are looked to compliment medical treatments.
I, Cindy Myers, am a Certified Energy Healer. I am not a psychologist, psychotherapist, physician, other licensed health care provider or veterinarian. My services are to be considered coaching and mentoring when you register to work with me. Please seek medical advice before making any health decisions for yourself or your animal.
I share stories and testimonials often. I love to share! By no means are these to be considered a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome for an individual using any of the Energy Healing for any particular issue. From time to time I will share materials and other resources with the users. I share these in good faith and do not guarantee any of the claims within them. I do not accept any responsibility for the misuse of the materials shared on my website.
By continuing to read, interact, and visit my website you agree to the terms here and to release me from any claims of liability and for damages or injury either financially, emotionally, physically.